Today my blog turns 6, which is 110 years is binary. To celebrate, I’m going to reveal a couple of Easter Eggs that I’ve slipped in over the years. Specifically, the titles of some of my apps. One thing I love about writing my own apps is that I get to pick the name. An in two cases, I named the app in such a way as to set up a joke. That’s just the type of guy I am.
Project Thunderdome:
Yes, it’s part of a movie title, but the joke goes deeper than that. It’s probably best explained by this Mystery Science Theater 300 clip. By the way, I’m a huge MST3K fan.
The TTP Project:
This app never achieved the popularity of Thunderdome, which is a shame. I wanted to unload this joke on more people. Basically the conversation would go like this.
(me an you chatting about PLM API programming) Me: … You should check out my sample app, The TTP Project? You: What does TTP stand for? Me: The TTP Project
Again, I stole this joke from another source. Because that’s also the type of guy I am.
-- Doug
6 Years
Today my blog turns 6, which is 110 years is binary. To celebrate, I’m going to reveal a couple of Easter Eggs that I’ve slipped in over the years. Specifically, the titles of some of my apps. One thing I love about writing my own apps is that I get to pick the name. An in two cases, I named the app in such a way as to set up a joke. That’s just the type of guy I am.
Project Thunderdome:
Yes, it’s part of a movie title, but the joke goes deeper than that. It’s probably best explained by this Mystery Science Theater 300 clip. By the way, I’m a huge MST3K fan.
The TTP Project:
This app never achieved the popularity of Thunderdome, which is a shame. I wanted to unload this joke on more people. Basically the conversation would go like this.
(me an you chatting about PLM API programming) Me: … You should check out my sample app, The TTP Project? You: What does TTP stand for? Me: The TTP Project
Again, I stole this joke from another source. Because that’s also the type of guy I am.
6 Years
Today my blog turns 6, which is 110 years is binary. To celebrate, I’m going to reveal a couple of Easter Eggs that I’ve slipped in over the years. Specifically, the titles of some of my apps. One thing I love about writing my own apps is that I get to pick the name. An in two cases, I named the app in such a way as to set up a joke. That’s just the type of guy I am.
Project Thunderdome:
Yes, it’s part of a movie title, but the joke goes deeper than that. It’s probably best explained by this Mystery Science Theater 300 clip. By the way, I’m a huge MST3K fan.
The TTP Project:
This app never achieved the popularity of Thunderdome, which is a shame. I wanted to unload this joke on more people. Basically the conversation would go like this.
(me an you chatting about PLM API programming)
Me: … You should check out my sample app, The TTP Project?
You: What does TTP stand for?
Me: The TTP Project
Again, I stole this joke from another source. Because that’s also the type of guy I am.
-- Doug
Posted at 08:02 AM in Commentary | Permalink
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