Not all blog posts are equal. Some posts contain critical information that every Vault developer should know, while other posts are only relevant to specialized areas of Vault development. This page is here to highlight the posts with important information that everyone should be aware of.
Impersonation is Deprecated
The impersonation feature in the Vault 2013 API will not be supported in the next release.
2 API-Related Hotfixes
Issues with the Vault 2012 API
Error and hotfix information for the Vault 2012 API.
.NET 4.0
If you are building an extension for Vault 2011 or 2012, you need to make sure you build with .NET 3.5.
File Transfer as Binary Data
By default, files are converted to text during upload and download. This article explains how to configure your application for binary transfer, which is much quicker.
Errors and Restrictions
An explanation on how the Vault server communicates problems back to the client.